Standard joint is a circular male and female configuration with a corrugated metal gasket. 标准连接是圆形外螺纹和内螺纹结构,配置波纹金属垫圈。
By analyzing for the flange leakage on a heavy oil catalytic pyrolysis unit, the writer put forward a treatment method, replace old asbestos gasket with a compound corrugated gasket. 通过对重油催化裂化装置中法兰泄漏原因的分析,提出了处理方法:将原石棉密封垫片改为波齿复合密封垫片。
The experiment proved that the corrugated serrated gasket has the good compressive resilience property and it is an ideal gasket for high temperature high pressure and some severe working condition. 经使用证明,波齿复合垫片具有良好的压缩回弹性能和可靠的密封性能,是高温、高压和一些苛刻工况的理想垫片。
Metal corrugated gasket is a traditional sealing element, and has the features of simple fabrication, good resilience and good integrality. 金属波纹垫片是一种传统的密封元件,具有制造简单、回弹性好、整体性好的特点。
At 2000, all the sealing gaskets at the easy occurring leakage position were replaced by corrugated and serrated combined gasket, and then the leakage situation at those positions was change basically. 2000年,将易发生泄漏部位的密封垫片全部更换为波齿复合垫片,使这些部位的泄漏情况得到了根本的改善。
Metal corrugated gasket and its development 金属波纹垫片及其发展
Development of new type corrugated serrated compound gasket 新型波齿复合垫片的研制开发